Indian Pesticide Database (IPD)
Indian Pesticide Database (IPD) offers pesticide product registration / approval Information in various categories including Section 9(3), Section 9(3B), Section 9(4) and Bio-pesticides.
IPD aim is to provide user-friendly searching platform for registration practitioner.
Offered information in IPD platform classified in various fields, which can be sorted by product name, company name, RC meeting number, endorsement type, and other administrative changes etc.
Product Registered under Section 9(3):
- New molecule of technical and their formulation,
- Technical Import (New Source) and their Renewal
Product Registered under Section 9(3B):
- Liaisoning provisional registration information for newly introduced pesticides under Section 9(3B) of the Insecticides Act 1968
Product Registered under Section 9(4):
- Technical Indigenous Manufacture (TIM)
- Approved Formulation Indigenous Manufacture (FIM)
Registration of Bio-pesticides:
- Registration information of bio-pesticides under 9(3B) and 9(4)
Registration information for Export of existing/new Technical and formulations
Endorsement information of Alternate / additional Packing
Endorsement information for transfer of Certificate of Registration / the address change/Company name change
Inclusion information of New molecule/ chemical in schedule of Insecticides act, 1968
Additional information asked by CIB&RC committee to applicant in various categories as per pesticide approval such as Bio efficacy, Toxicology, Chemistry and Packaging as Per CIB&RC Meeting publication.
Registration under Section 9(3):
On receipt of any such application the registration of an insecticide, the Committee may, after such inquiry as it deems fit and after satisfying itself that the insecticide to which the application relates conforms to the claims made by the importer or by the manufacturer, as the case may be, as regards [on such conditions as may be specified by it] and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, the insecticide, allot a registration number thereto and issue a certificate of registration in token thereof within a period of twelve months from the date of receipt of the application the registration of an insecticide, the Committee may, after such inquiry as it deems fit and after satisfying itself that the insecticide to which the application relates conforms to the claims made by the importer or by the manufacturer, as the case may be, as regards [on such conditions as may be specified by it] and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, the insecticide, allot a registration number thereto and issue a certificate of registration in token thereof within a period of twelve months from the date of receipt of the application.
Registration for :-
- First time Introduced Technical Indigence Manufacture (TIM) of Insecticide/ Herbicide/ fungicide/Biopesticide.
- First time Introduced Technical Import (TI) of Insecticide/ Herbicide/ fungicide/Biopesticide.
- First time Introduced Formulation Indigence Manufacture(FIM) of Insecticide/ Herbicide/ fungicide/Biopesticide
- First time Introduced Technical Import(TI) of Insecticide/ Herbicide/ fungicide/Biopesticide from New Source.
- First time Introduced Formulation Import (FI) of Insecticide/ Herbicide/ fungicide/Biopesticide from New Source.
Registration under Section 9(3B):
Where the Registration Committee is of opinion that the Insecticide is being introduced for the first time in India, it may, pending any inquiry, register it provisionally for a period of two years on such conditions as may be specified by
Registration under Section 9(4):
Notwithstanding anything containing in the section, where an insecticide has been registered on the application of any person, any other person desiring to import or manufacture the insecticide or engaged in the business of, import or manufacture thereof, shall on application and on payment of prescribed fee be allotted a registration number and granted a certificate of registration in respect thereof on the same conditions on which the insecticide was originally registered.
Registration under Section 9(4):
No separate registration is required by the company for export, if the product is already registered in his favor for use in the country. The company can also export the said product. In order to facilitate such registrants to comply with the export requirements, the following conditions may be incorporated in all certificates of registrations sought for domestic consumption and export. "In case of the consignments of the product for export purpose, the primary packaging may be as per the requirement of the importing country."
In view of Government, 'Make in India' initiative and to prevent the diversion of unregistered material (which has not been evaluated completely for its efficacy and safety) in domestic market, it is proposed that import of technical or formulation for export of the pesticides/products already registered for use in the country, be permitted only from the source registered for use in the country.
A. Applications for pesticides already registered for use in the country.
1. Category – A I
Products registered for the use in the country by any registrant (including plant based products, but not microbial pest control agents) for indigenous manufacture of technical with same and different imPurity profile/formulations (including combination formulations) for indigenous manufacture made out of these technical and having same lower or higher concentrations, different adjuvants or new type of formulations.
2. Category – A II
Technical import or formulation import exclusively for export from 'already registered source of import for use in the country'.
3. Category – A III
In case of Microbial Pest Control Agents if application is for export of already registered strain.
B. Applications for pesticides not yet registered for use in the country
1. Category – B I
The technical once registered exclusively for export (for indigenous manufacture or import), then subsequent registrants applying registrations for the same products (with different imPurity profile their higher lower conc. or its formulations including combination formulations).
2. Category – B II
Indigenous manufacture/import of technical and its formulations for pesticides not registered for use in the country and is for sole purpose of export
3. Category B III
Indigenous manufacture of Botanical (technical/formulation) Pesticides not registered for the use in the country
4. Category – B IV
If the MPCA or its strain is not registered for use in the country